Case Studies

Areas of Expertise

Services & Capabilities

Don’t Spend All Your Money at Once
The historic Brentford Condominium budgets it maintenance carefully.

Historic church sanctuary restored better than new.
The First Presbyterian Church of Norfolk corrects long-standing problems, some dating back to its original construction.

When is the cheapest solution also the best?
For commercial property owners, lowest initial cost is king.

Do new condominium projects have leakage problems? Not this one.
The story of the Savoy Condominium, in Boston’s historic South End.

Design Review Solves Problems in Advance.
Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Relations experiences smooth sailing because of hard work in advance.

Pioneering cathodic protection system stops damage from rust.
Cathodic protection has a century-long track record but has seldom been used for historic buildings – until now.

When is a quick fix the best answer?
Repairs had to be finished during a 3-month window in the summer.

Brick buildings sometimes need to be pointed, but don’t expect it to cure deeper problems.
Pointing only concealed the problems from view. It did not keep water out.

When the answer is not found in any roofing manual.
Some things really do need to be learned by experience.

What replaces the replacement windows?
Replacement turned out to be less expensive than a sealant repair with repainting.

The intractable problem of leakage through stone arches.
The solution was not merely to point the mortar joints…

University campus sets high standards for exterior wall construction.
Brown University Campus Standards developed by Leavitt Associates